As the result of flora analysis 200 rare vascular plants species were determined with different categories and statuses of rarity. All of them require special measures of monitoring or protection. The number of centers of the species concentration can be observed in the territorial distribution of the rare plants. Partly, because of detailed flora studies were maintained unevenly in certain areas of the vast region. Estimation of the species rarity and evaluation of the protection requirements involve a number of methodic approaches. Within the group 52 species are east-asian relicts, inhabiting mostly in southern part of the region: Taxus cuspidata, Microbiota decussata, Dioscorea nipponica and others. Also rare aquatic species reach the northern limits of distribution in Asian continent: Nuphar japonica, Nelumbo komarovii. In the subgroup of rare endemic forest and alpine plants there are 60 species whose ancestors could be typical mountainous species or genera, such as Leontopodium blagoveshczenskyi, Saussurea kitamurana, Saxifraga astilbeoides. In the southern and central parts of the region 70 rare plants species are situated on the limits of natural distribution: Acanthopanax sessiliflorus, Smilax maximowiczii, Sanicula rubriflora. Another large subgroup of rare species requiring protection includes plants with decorative and medicinal substances – 116 species and 48 respectively. It is important to underscore that the subgroups mentioned above embrace relict and endemic species. A human or anthropogenic type of impact in the natural habitats of these species could often be selective. About 50% of the rare species populations occur in the areas with multiple impacts of mining industry activities, land reclamation, or complete vegetation cover destruction. Almost all of the rare plants species habitats are under the threat of massive forest fires, timber harvesting, excess of recreation, illegal gathering or collection. It is significant that the number of the rare relict species have weak ecological amplitude.

Key words: endemic, habitat, impact, rarity, relict