The use of wild-growing cereals in genetics investigation on wheat allows to decide fundamental problems of botany and genetics, and received hybrid forms can be using in practical breeding for raising of new cultivars. The purpose of investigation was creation and study of hybrid plants, received by crossing of species Triticum aestivum L. (AABBDD) , with wild-growing species of cereals , for study the questions of species's origin and creation of hybrid wheat on the basis of cytoplasmic male sterility. As a material for researches have served the cultivar Saratovskaya-29 and species: T.araraticum v.araxianu thumanianis (AbAbGG) , T. militinae Zhuk. et Migusch.(AbAbGG) , (T.turgidum v. nigrobarbatum AuAuBB) , T.compactum Host. (AuAuBBDD) , T.timopheevii Zhuk. (AuAuGG) . Emasculation and pollination were carry out on classic methods (Udolskaya, 1961; Khailenko,1998). The cultivar Saratovskaya-29 was farther always. Percent of impregnative ovaries reached to 80%, but percent of setting grains was hestitated from 13,79% to 54,90%. About half of obtained grains were good filled, in the main, visually its had good developed embryoes and endosperms, but other half of hybrid grains had wrinkled small embryoes and wrinkled endosperms. Te development these hybrid grains was corresponded to 4-7 days by grains of control - the cultivar Saratovskaya-29. This anomalies can be caused both as incompatible of genomic composition by crossed species (Dorofeev at all., 1978; Gandilyan, Shakaryan,1992) and as various breaches in function of female gametophyte (Khailenko,1999). The questions of origin of wheat species and practical using biodiversity of interspecific hybrids of wheat will be discussed.

Key words: anomalies, biodiversity, interspecific hybrids, species, wheat